SEO Understanding for International Country and Language Targeting

SEO For International Country & Language Targeting The first and foremost step in SEO International growth designing is to see your target. There’s some misunderstanding between country targeting and language targeting. Most businesses begin SEO International growth eager to do one of 2 things: Organic Target users that speak another language. Example – A business in Germany: “We should translate our content to French.” Organic Target users that live in another part of the world. Example – A business in India: “We should expand into

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canonical tag in seo

Importance of Canonical Tag in SEO

Canonical in SEO The Canonical tag in a Search Engine Optimization is all about duplicate content and preferred content. Helping search engines identify which is the original page in relation to duplicated content. There are many legitimate reasons for duplicate content, particularly when it comes to system-generated URLs. These include: Multiple URLs – particularly on eCommerce sites where URLs are created through filter options for price, color, rating, etc. HTTP, HTTPS

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Easy Creation of SEO Meta Title and Meta Description

SEO Meta Title & Meta Description Introduction The “meta” stands for “metadata,”. Meta tags in search engine optimization (SEO) are used to describe a page’s content; the Meta tags don’t appear on the page itself, but only in the page’s code. We all know tags from blog culture, and meta tags are more or less the same thing, little content descriptors that help tell search engines what a web page is

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13 Reasons for Using Bing AdCenter for Paid Search

Why Bing Ads for Paid Search?     Whenever we need to implement the digital marketing strategy on Paid Search we should consider Bing AdCenter even though Google maintaining a 70% search market share Here are the reasons why digital marketers should use Bing for paid search. Bing AdCenter has a much bigger market share: With a single Bing ad buy, you can reach 162 million unique searchers using Microsoft

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