Top SEO Skills & Abilities

Do you know what SEO skills are required to become an expert in SEO industry? Apart from being good in SEO On-page, Technical SEO, Website Development and coding, what else matters in SEO to become a pro?

Individuals, either starting their career or in mid-journey of SEO must know that, the subject knowledge is just one part of learning. While in reality there are many others aspects that needs to be skilled upon, if they really want to scale up in SEO field. 

Here’s 10 topmost SEO abilities that you can’t “NEGLECT”.

  1. Critical Thinking: This the topmost priority as everything depends on how you see the objective of the requirement. It’s all based on 3W’s (WHAT, WHY, WHEN), As you understand the subject you will get more clarity
  2. Speaking & Writing Ability: Do your own research about the content, Be the author for the subject
  3. Technical & Programming Skills: Always recommend on Page Speed, Robots.txt, Sitemaps, Site Rendering, Lazy Loading, Server-side redirects, Microdata, Schema, and basic HTML Tags.
  4. Social & Drinking Skills: Love to hear about exciting things in the industry you work you’ve seen or done, then move out of your cubicle start networking with your colleagues, people in the industry, check the sessions offline meet them, attend the webinars and start following the people who you love with.
  5. Analytical Skills:  Understand the requirements of KPI which is mostly required for proper SEO Strategy. You need to know where the data has gone wrong & the steps have to be taken to rework to its previous stages.
  6. Excel Skills: Get inside the Data to look at what’s wrong & what’s right you need to know about (VLOOKUP’s, WILDCARDS, COUNTIF, LEN, Text to Columns, Concatenation, FIND) and more.
  7. Motivation & Adaptability: You always need to keep yourself updated on the toes & there’s always something to learn.
  8. Security: HTTPS, Website Security is becoming increasingly important.
  9. Stubborn Jackass: Be stubborn don’t lose yourself if you are getting failed try again & make sure that when others can do it then why can’t I can succeed.
  10. Tools: Getting expertized in SEO tools like Screaming Frog, SEMrush,, WooRank, Similar Web, Spyfu are many other major tools that plays major role in SEO success.

Refer our detailed guide on SEMrush Competitor Analysis Tool 

The Bottom Line:

All SEO beginners, interns or executive level professionals should understand this truth that SEO is not just content, optimization, technical or coding. There are many other undefined skills & abilities that have be excelled in order to become an ultimate professional in SEO.

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